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Last year I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition with an AADP certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner. I've taken the steps to wind down from my full-time job editing book manuscripts, even leaving behind my company, Pressque (which continues to do fantastic work!), to become a Whole Health Coach, which is a much less scary-sounding name, in my opinion.
Because health shouldn't be scary or strange or foreign or boring. It's our natural state, and it's within our control.
Right now I do free consultations by phone or in person, so even if you're long-distance contact me and we can talk about your health questions. You know, all those things you want to talk about to your doctor but don't want to bother him/her with, or that he/she never seems to have time for or wants to hear? I can assist you with weight loss so that it becomes easy in a way you've never dreamed possible. And if your doctor tells you you need to change your diet, I can help you plan your meals and overcome your resistance to changes. Everything is confidential.
Of course, I'll never tell you to contradict your doctor's orders. What we'll be doing is helping your body--and your quality of life in many other areas--heal, along with whatever medical care you may or may not be under.
Let's change illness to wellness! Spread the word! And don't forget, for more information visit my new Web site,!