Thursday, November 13, 2008

Addendum: Plastics Updates

Here's a link to Safe Plastics from Ken Fox of The Soundings Group, a strategic business and marketing resource.

And, a little information from Dr. Greg Cooper, who is currently writing a book entitled The Reasonable Radical. Check out his site of the same name.

"With regard to the bottled water controversy, it may not be dioxins that break down but the presence of BPA (bisphenol A) and another substance called pthalates that are still causing concern. These are substances (plastics) used to make things smooth and stain resistant. The concern is that they are “endocrine disrupters” and cause our delicately balanced hormonal system to be affected. They are used to make the white lining of canned vegetable cans, in cosmetics (especially lipstick), baby bottles (of marked concern considering the bottles are usually heated before feedings), and even in our medicines (did you ever wonder why some medicines can be taken and will not break down quickly but are sold based on the advantage of “time-released”?). A good book on the subject is Toxic Overload by Paula Baillie-Hamilton."

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Charleston, SC, United States
As a food therapist and certified holistic practitioner, I help people develop a healthy relationship with food.