Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheap and Healthy

I found two articles recently that make recommendations for eating healthy on a budget. This seems to be a huge issue in general, and especially during the economic downturn.

This article from the UC Daily News in Tennessee, makes some good points, like eating beans instead of meat. In January I ate meat only once a week for three weeks, and not only did my clothes get looser but I saved a lot of money. It recommends drinking more water instead of soda and alcohol, and eating whole grain versions of pasta, bread, etc., which fill you up more. However, I have to point out that dairy is not the best source of calcium (try kale, collards, broccoli, spinach, etc.).

This article from The New York Times is a little savvier. Recommending the book Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink, It turns the whole equation around to point out that "if you eat right, you’ll have more energy. That makes you more likely to succeed at work and earn more money. Then, you’ll be able to afford better food, stay healthy and spend less on medical costs. And the virtuous circle continues."

I really can't think of a better way to put it.


Rob said...

Thanks for the information about beans for meat. Good suggestion. I will do my best to stay away from diet soda and drink more water.

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Hi, cool post. I have been thinking about this issue,so thanks for sharing. I'll certainly be subscribing to your posts. Keep up the good work

yvonne said...


Love your site!!!! Our health is very important without it we have nothing. It is our greatest asset. We need to stay stress free, exercise, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and pray for a healthy lifestyle and well-being.

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Charleston, SC, United States
As a food therapist and certified holistic practitioner, I help people develop a healthy relationship with food.