Friday, September 3, 2010

An Egg Locally Is Worth a Dozen with Salmonella: Local Eating in Charleston Part I

In the wake of the egg recall, and a smaller ground beef recall, I thought it might be appropriate to do a post on some of the ways to eat locally in Charleston. It's healthier for you and for the environment, and it makes a statement:

I am not going to put up with or financially support unsafe, unethical, inhumane, and dangerous farming and livestock practices regarding my food.

Because ultimately we are responsible for policing our food choices. It's pretty obvious the government and agribusiness are not going to do it for us. (If you haven't read NYU's nutrition and health public department head Marion Nestle's comments on this subject, you should; they're pretty funny.)

Charleston is home to 10 farmer's markets: there is at least one happening in the Charleston area six days a week! Charleston Post & Courier has a great schedule of these markets; so does the "Buy Local" pamphlet you can pick up in a lot of restaurants and shops around town.

I've reproduced a quick reference here:

  • MUSC: 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m., through late fall

If you're not in the Charleston area, I also found a great resource at on eating locally. This is a sustainable living site that encompasses everything from the environment to health. On this page, you can find what produce is in season in your area, as well as a list of nearby farmer's markets.

How do you live and eat locally and sustainably? Send me your ideas!

Stay tuned for a post on community supported agriculture in Charleston and how you can sign up for inexpensive locally grown produce! Also restaurants in the Charleston area that support local farming.

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Charleston, SC, United States
As a food therapist and certified holistic practitioner, I help people develop a healthy relationship with food.